Thursday, September 11, 2008

((OOC)) Sigma Forum

If all of the students and teachers can create an account there (yes, even the ones on sabbatical!!) we'll get you set up. :)

Monday, September 8, 2008


Where do we go when we just don't know
And how do we relight the flame when it's cold
Why do we dream when our thoughts mean nothing
And when will we learn to control?

- Godsmack

*The black ichor, is long dried now on the walls of the abandoned crypt, and clings to the massive vault threshold like a pox. A festering smear with the make of ill script is found in the glooming. Lost to looming enthropy is the talon which stroked its purpose.*

...But of memories lost, we are thus abused, and in sinner's vice so we amuse. To those who watched, give poor fellows a buss, and listen gladly...for Beyond the dark portal we watch, and with giddy madness come and but follow sadly.

*and then 'painfully' spit and caressed upon the wall*

*Tis signed with a bloody kiss which licks its way down to the filth and drain below*

((Turn Me on Mr. Deadman. Alas the First Mistress of Gluttony has slipped beyond, but in the aftermath of her hate a worldly infection remains, and may yet breathe the mephitic air of the Isles soon again.))

*a soiled white feather lay crushed nearby*

Thursday, August 28, 2008

((Unable to play))

((I just wanted to let everyone know, I haven't abandoned you so much as my paid time has expired. I moved recently and have had trouble finding a job, so it might be a little while before I can get back on... miss you guys. Take care.))

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

((OOC)) A little light reading...

For those who aren't up on the D/s politics of the group, or may have questions about the way Dia conducts her training (along with others in the group, I suspect), I would suggest that you read the two stories here:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

(( OOC: Sorry! x.x ))

(( Just wanted to apologize to everyone for bailing last night and not making it back on to continue, had to get offline for a bit so my roommate could use the computer but by the time she was finished I was practically asleep already.

Sorry everyone!

-Sibby- <3))

Midnight Juri

Last night we gained a new Pledge, Hinjo Juri. Please make her feel welcome while she works out the what's what and the who's whos.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Field Trip!!

A note is posted to the bulletin board, on fine calligraphy paper.


I've been advised that the Sky Raiders are getting a bit too uppity. So, we'll be sticking a bit of coal in their stockings. But, I'm also looking to capitalize on Dr. Octavia's lessons as well. So you will be graded on how well you work together and with your proctors (Miss Styles and myself).

Now, this doesn't mean we can't have some fun with this too! because I'm of the mind that crashing a party is almost as good as throwing one yourself.

A few pointers:

1) I'm a stickler for control. So be careful that you don't undo each other's work, or mine. If I have to work harder to keep our targets from getting too upset at us, someone's not paying attention, and that means no party for them.

2) I fully expect there to be injuries, perhaps nasty ones, so do bring extra first aid. I hope no one gets maimed, but accidents do happen to those that aren't prepared.

3) I will be grading you all on your efforts. There will be no 'fail' grade except for those who drop out after we get started. BUT, as an incentive, the one girl who pushes herself to excel the most will be my private student for two days. I'm just finishing up some sessions with Miss Felicia - she can tell you what fun we've been having. And yes... Miss Styles is eligible for this as well, if she wishes. Nothing wrong with giving the staff opportunities to learn, mmm?

Now... I'm told there's a prerequisite of level twenty for this exercise. I think most are there already, but if not, you'd best work your sweet tush to get there. We convene at 9pm eastern, SHARP, unless everyone can make it earlier. If we don't have enough for a full class, then we'll make do with whatever mischief we can find.

- Professor Diablesse